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How to Draw Human Chest / Torso / Body
How to draw human chest and torso with male and female body and figure drawing lessons and step by step drawing pictorial tutorials to create great cartoons, illustrations, and comics.
How to Draw the Human Chest and Torso
Learn how to draw a person’s chest and torso with the following drawing lesson. This tutorial will guide you through the process that artists use to draw the male and female torso.
Drawing the Female and Male Torsoes
Here is a picture detailing how to draw the chests on both women and men
Here is a picture detailing the way to draw chest and torso
How To Draw Male Chest for Manga / Anime Illustration
Drawing and rendering male body, man torso or upper body, chest, abs, ribcage and shoulder: front view character design, comics, manga, anime and video game concept art
Drawing the Torso / Chest in 3D
Complex shapes are much easier to draw if they are first simplified. With the torso for example, I would think a shape that corresponds the general feel of the torso. By knowing what directions the planes ought to face, it's easier to analyse what's wrong with the drawing.
Drawing The Torso of Different Body Types
Learn how to draw the torso and chest of different body types...fat, thin, normal, etc
Instructional Demo Chest / Torso Reference Images
Helpful Instructional Demonstration Images for drawing the chest...great for referencing when drawing chests / torsoes.
Here is a drawing tutorial for learning how to draw the feminine waist and torso
Here is an illustrated tutorial for drawing the comic-style male torso and chest
Reference illustration for drawing abs and the no-nos.
Drawing the Female Chest and Torso
An illustrated drawing lesson on drawing the female torso and chest
Here is a reference image showing you how to draw the male chest and abs.
How to Draw Torso Anatomy (Video)
Create a beautiful male chest that is ripped
Here is a guide to drawing cartoon, manga boobs.
Learn how to draw cleavage, step by step.
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